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Thursday, October 21, 2010

35 Years After - In Foreign Land: Beatriz Bartolome-Santos (JJLHS Batch 75')

(JJLHS Batch 75'- RIZAL)

Who would ever imagine that classmates of 35 years ago now lives within the same state in foreign land?  LOL! (Laughing Out Loud). Beatriz Bartolome-Santos, who now lives in California sent us the  above picture of JJLHS Batch 75'.   Beatriz  Santos and Maripil Luga (now Mrs. Jaime Borja) were then members of JJLHS Dance Group way back then,  who uses to dance during school presentations.  They were close because they usually practice and dance together during every school event and in the process, shares personal experiences with each other.   Who would ever imagine that they now live in the same State, in California! Too far yet  yet, too close!  It was also Divine that a member of Batch 75 Rizal - Renato Lavilles' brother, Larrie  Lavilles  (JJLHS Batch  77') is also residing in California; as well as  Ren Luna (JJLHS Batch 80'), whose sister Cecil also also belongs to JJLHS Batch 75'-Rizal ;  and, Maripil Borja, (JJLHS Batch 75' Rizal),  whose brother, Roy R. Luga, belongs to  JJLHS Batch 80' -Bonifacio.  They have this get together reunion in California.  Renato Lavilles, who was a transferee at JJLHS in his fourth year, shall soon be joining JJLHS Alumni in Califorma as he shall be migrating to California early next year.  The wife of Larrie Lavilles is also a member of JJLHS Batch 77'.


(1.) Upper Photo:  JJLHS Batch 75' Class, Section Rizal.   Inset picture upper left side:  2. )  Beatriz Bartolome Santos (JJLHS Batch  75), who now lives in California and works with health care services providers, in Cali fornia. 3.) Lower photo: Larrie Lavilles (seated 1st on the left); Maripil Borja (seated 3rd from the left); and, Roy R. Luga (seated 5th from the left, far right), with Maripil Borja's daugther-in-law and Walter Tanawan, Manager/Owner of Thai Village (standing), West Covina, California.

Maripil Luga Borja is now married to Jaime Borja, a lawyer and a former  MTC Judge in Lipa, Batangas and now works with THE LAW OFFICES OF GALI KOREN at Anaheim, California, together with their son Carlo Borja, a graduate of Ateneo Law School and a licensed lawyer in the Philippines.

Ren Luna and Roy R. Luga today at Hooters somewhere in  Covina, California celebrating their friendship of three decades!  Who would ever imagine!   Ren Luna is currently the General Operations Manager of Four Seasons Products, based in Glendale, California, which sells gift items,gift basket and engages in general merchandise.


Aside from Ren Luna, RICKY APRUEDO (JJLHS Batch 80') also lives in San Jose California. While, FEDERICO GALANG (JJLHS Batch 80') lives in Reno, Nevada.

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